HidroSystem distributes and markets hydraulic tail lifts from 300 to 3000 kg in Italy for fast and safe transport of goods and people.
+39 0547 1796484

Via Gorizia, 273 - 47032 Bertinoro (Forì-Cesena)

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Privacy policy

This statement contains an indication of the rules and directives to which HidroSystem Srl (hereinafter “HidroSystem Srl” or “Owner“) adheres with regard to the processing of personal data of the users (hereinafter “Users”) of the website:
www.hidrosystem.eu of which HidroSystem Srl is the rightful owner (hereinafter “Site”) and owner of the processing of personal data.
This page describes how the site is managed with regard to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. Processing is always based on principles of lawfulness and fairness in compliance with all applicable regulations and ensures that appropriate security measures are taken to protect data.
Since the site operates and is hosted in Italian territory, HidroSystem Srl provides the privacy policy in accordance with Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, as applied as of May 25, 2018 (hereinafter “Regulation”), subject to any additions and amendments that may be necessary as a result of national and European legislative interventions as well as the issuance of measures and guidelines by the Italian Data Protection Authority and other national and European privacy authorities.

This information is also provided pursuant to Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted by the Working Group established by Art. 29 of Directive No. 95/46/EC towards those who interact with the web services of this site, in order to protect personal data, which can be accessed electronically from the address: www.hidrosystem.eu . By using any of our services and/or accepting this Policy, for example as part of the
of registering for one of our services, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Information as described in this Notice.

Data controller

The data controller is HidroSystem Srl, Via Gorizia 459 – 47032 Bertinoro (FC), a company governed by Italian law, tax code and VAT number 04369310406.

Purpose of processing

The Owner informs Users of the Site that the data collected will be lawfully processed in accordance with Art. 6 of the Regulations.
In particular, the processing is aimed solely at the proper and complete performance of the professional assignment received, both in judicial and extrajudicial settings. Data provided by Users will also be processed for the purpose of:
– Fulfilling the obligations incumbent on the professional in taxation and accounting;
– more generally, comply with the obligations incumbent on the professional under all applicable regulations;
– Fulfill obligations imposed by law, competent authorities, and European regulations or standards.
Personal data may be processed by means of both hard copy and computer files (including portable devices) and will, in all cases, be processed in a manner strictly necessary to meet the purposes stated above.
Data processing will also take place for the purposes stipulated in current anti-money laundering regulations.

Legal basis for processing:

The appointed professional processes personal data provided by Users lawfully, based on express consent, such processing being necessary for the performance of the requested services and/or to fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on the professional.

Mandatory or optional nature of data mconferral and consequences of refusal to respond

The provision of personal data by the User is optional, but it is indispensable with regard to those data indicated as mandatory and marked with an asterisk (*) through the procedure or request forms, as failure to provide it would make it impossible for the User to send requests and obtain responses from HidroSystem Srl.

Method of processing and data retention time

The data collected will be processed by manual, computerized or telematic means, with respect to the purposes for which it was collected and in a manner suitable to guarantee its security and confidentiality. Personal data will be retained for the time necessary for the specific fulfillment of the above-mentioned purposes, also taking into account compliance with the time required by law for purposes of judicial protection of the interests of the User and the Owner.

Scope of data communication and dissemination

The personal data that will be provided by the User may be known and used by the employees and/or collaborators of HidroSystem Srl, in charge of managing the Site and the requests of the
Users, for the sole purpose of carrying out the activities that constitute the reason why the data were collected (e.g., to fully execute the professional assignment received). The data may be disclosed to other parent, subsidiary and/or associated companies of HidroSystem Srl in Italy, the European Union or to countries outside the Union, provided that the system of the country of destination or transit of the data
ensures an adequate level of protection for people. Adequacy will be assessed by comparing the systems of the foreign country and that of Italy.
The Users’ personal data may also be communicated to third parties, entrusted with the lawful processing on behalf of the Data Controller, in the capacity of External Data Processors, such as, purely by way of example, suppliers of IT and other services functional to the normal operation of the Site, outsourcing service providers or cloud providers and consultants or freelancers who assist HidroSystem Srl in the performance of the services requested or who organize on its behalf the management of commercial and marketing initiatives provided for within the scope of the consent received from the User.
The Users, upon simple request addressed to the Controller in the manner communicated in the foregoing, may obtain the list of any External Data Processors in charge.

Existence of an automated decision-making process

There is no automated decision making. The data will not be subject to profiling.

Intention of the Personal Data Controller

The Data Controller will not transfer your personal data to a third country or international organization.

Rights of the data subject

The User, as a Data Subject, may exercise the rights contemplated by the General Data Protection Regulation (also G.D.P.R.), vis-à-vis HidroSystem Srl, in relation to processing activities involving their personal data.
In particular, it is incumbent on the Interested Party:
(a) The Right of Access (Art. 15 G.D.P.R.). The Data Subject may obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, as well as access to information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data are or will be disclosed, the expected period of storage, the existence of the right to request rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling;
(b) The Right of Rectification (Art. 16 G.D.P.R.). The Data Subject may obtain rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her, or supplementation of incomplete personal data;
(c) The Right to Erasure (right to be forgotten) (Art. 17 G.D.P.R.). A Data Subject may obtain the deletion of personal data concerning him or her if any of the following reasons exist:

i. The Data Subject revokes the consent given for the processing of personal data;

ii. Personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected;
iii. Personal data have been processed unlawfully;
iv. Personal data must be deleted to fulfill a legal obligation;

(d) The Right to Limit Treatment (Art. 18 G.D.P.R.). The Data Subject may obtain the restriction of the processing of personal data concerning him or her when one of the following cases occurs:
i. The Data Subject disputes the accuracy of personal data, for the period necessary for the data controller to verify the accuracy of such personal data;
ii. The processing is unlawful and the data subject objects to the deletion of personal data and instead requests that their use be restricted;
iii. Although the Data Controller no longer needs the data for processing purposes, the personal data are necessary for the data subject to establish, exercise or defend a right in court;
e) The Right to Data Portability (Art. 20 G.D.P.R.). The data subject shall have the right to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format personal data concerning him or her that have been provided to a Data Controller, and shall have the right to transmit such data to another Data Controller without hindrance from the Data Controller to whom he or she has provided them (HidroSystem Srl), if the processing is carried out by means
automated. If technically feasible, the data subject also has the right to obtain the direct transmission of his or her personal data from HidroSystem Srl to another Data Controller;
(f) Right to withdraw the consent given for the processing of sensitive data. The above rights may be exercised by a request to be sent to the contacts provided in the foreword of this policy.
In addition to the above rights, the Data Subject always has the right to lodge a complaint for any issue concerning the processing of his or her personal data before the Italian Supervisory Authority, represented by the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (www.garanteprivacy.it).
HidroSystem Srl pays great attention to the Privacy Law and the protection of Users’ personal data. For any information with reference to the content of this document, Users may contact the Data Controller in the following way: either by registered mail with return receipt addressed to the attention of the Data Controller at HidroSystem Srl, Via Gorizia 459 – 47032 Bertinoro (FC) or by sending an e-mail message to service@hidrosystem.eu

The Owner does not assume responsibility for updating the links indicated in this policy. Should they fail to function properly, Users may refer to the sections of the sites referred to in the link.

Date information was last updated: 25/11/2020